Question Error "The Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB 12.0 provideer is not registered on the local machine"


Active member
Dec 4, 2012
Programming Experience
Error "The Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB 12.0 provideer is not registered on the local machine"

When running my application I receive this error, then an empty DataGrid. I have a datagrid which I am trying to populate with values from a database produced in Access 2010. I also know that the datagrid is linked to the database as I can preview the data.

Has anyone recieved this error before? Any Help?
The issue is almost certainly the "bitness" of your app. You have most likely installed the 32-bit edition of Microsoft Office or the standalone ACE provider. Visual Studio is a 32-bit application, so it will have no issue interacting with the 32-bit ACE OLE DB provider. If your project is set to target the Any CPU platform then, if you have a 64-bit system, your app will be running in 64-bit mode. As such, it will not be able to interact with the 32-bit ACE OLE DB provider. You need to ensure that your project targets the x86 platform to ensure that your app runs in 32-bit mode on all systems.
Thanks for your advice. I have tried changing the target CPU to (x86) however i am still getting the same error when running
That seems a bit weird. I'd try reinstalling Access to see if that makes a difference. I'd also test another Access database with a new project to see if maybe that project is broken.