Question educational application for kids WPf or windows Forms??


New member
Mar 16, 2011
Programming Experience
I'm a Beginner in vb, i install vb 2010 and started to build application for kids
my project has a lot of images and sounds
and i try to use timer to make animation
for some images ex.( make the image moving from top to the center then stop)
also, it will has account for each kid so, i need database

my questions is:

is WPF better than windows Forms??

is my application will become more efficient with WPF ??

is it difficult and i will spend a lot of time to learn it??
or it will save my time and help me to make the animation and build this educational application for kids more easily than using windows forms??
because the time is important for me and i must finish it in few months

i hop my question is clear ,,

thank you..