New member
Hi VB.netters,
I'm relatively new to client programming (I usually do web stuff). I have a problem with this code:
What's supposed to happen is an initial combobox is created on load. I enter information to the line and a new line is created below the original. I created a button to check the code functionality and found that each new combobox is bound to each other. IOW, I select one combobox and all the other boxes change their value.
How can I make each combobox independent of each other? Does anyone have an example of dynamically created comboboxes?
I'm relatively new to client programming (I usually do web stuff). I have a problem with this code:
Dim WashType As New ComboBox
WashType.Location = New Point(6, y)
WashType.Size = New Size(261, 21)
WashType.Name = "WashComboBox" + i.ToString
WashType.DataSource = ds.Tables(0) ' connected to a single DataSet
WashType.DisplayMember = "Name"
WashType.ValueMember = "WashTypePriceID"
y += 26
What's supposed to happen is an initial combobox is created on load. I enter information to the line and a new line is created below the original. I created a button to check the code functionality and found that each new combobox is bound to each other. IOW, I select one combobox and all the other boxes change their value.
How can I make each combobox independent of each other? Does anyone have an example of dynamically created comboboxes?