Question DropDownList - Dropped Down state.


Active member
Oct 7, 2008
Programming Experience

Is there a way to know if the 'dropped down' state or 'expanded' state of a dropdownlist ?

any event which i can capture ? write a java script ?

or can I capture an event when the user clicks on the dropdownlist ?

any help will be appreciated, even if there is no straight answer please guide me in the right direction.

i have a web app which pulls data from a web service. the data is downloaded to a data table every 2 second, using a timer. The data is displayed using a dropdownlist and a lable. so every time the data table gets populated (every 2 seconds) the dropdown will kinda reset. so if the user is in the middle of choosing an item the dropdown will collapse back before the user makes a choice. so what i am trying to do is know when the user clicks the dropdown so that i can disable the timer for that moment. and re start the timer when they finish picking the item.

thanks for the reply
I don't think that that's possible. Even if it was, I'm thinking that a better option would be to use the "onfocus" and "onblur" attributes to manage the timer so that the updates only occur when the element doesn't have focus.