Drawind a Calendar control in VB.NET


Jun 27, 2006
Programming Experience

I am trying to create a User Control without using normally available controls in .NET like Calendar, Label, Panel, TextBox,..

The idea is to create a custom Calendar like the one in Outlook, where one can view a whole month's days, it would have option to select Year on the top, option to select any of the 12 months on the left side..

I want to create this as a User Control and add to a form..It should Click events, value changed events, and options to change the background color, and the selected Month, Day, Year should pop up with User provided colors..

Is this possible in VB.NET? Could anyone please tell me how to go about achieving this.. I am a beginner working in a software company and our team of 3 has been given this project..

I sincerely appreciate any help..
Sure it's possible! Just draw the layout you want in the paint event and use hit testing to raise the click events.
you bet it's possible.... in fact it's been done.....


Click the Downloads in the top menu....
scroll down to the User Interface section... there, the first one is the one you want... Outlook Calendar Look and Feel -- it's prety cool, handles all kinds of things... I've messed with it some and plan to use a version of it in my app.

Drawinf Calendar programatically

Hi TG and TPM,

Thanks alot for the information, I really appreciate it. I am beginner in .NET, so I guess its gonna take some hard work understanding the code in those files.. What I am planning to do is dynamically create this calendar when the form containing it loads..

Thanks alot, I'll get back if I have doubts..

