Drag and Drop - Moving Files


May 6, 2010
Programming Experience
Hi All,

I am working on some software to work along side our client database and I am basaically trying to add in a basic form of File Management.

I have a listbox now that displays the current contents of the clients electronic file. I am wanting to set it up so that people can drag files from anywhere onto this Listbox and move that file to the clients electronic file.

Is this possible? If so how?

Thank you in advance.

For refrence the clients folder is always situated in same place which is \client files\clientID\ where clientID is the clients unique Id on the database.
You might like to read this:

Drag & Drop in Windows Forms

In includes a file drag & drop example as well as general principles. Once you have the path of each file, you can do whatever you want with it. That part is nothing to do with drag & drop.
Hi jmcilhinney,

Thank you for the quick response and that seems to be everything I need. Spent ages looking around the internet for it but couldnt find what I was after.