this is a pretty dumb question if you ask me so there's no importance here.
now with that said I'm writing a program that I have a dataset (not connected to a database) to store a bunch of variables (they're all strings) anyways the dataset has two fields that I programically set up anyways enough of the background info here's a peice of the code that adds the values to the dataset:
once the row has been added to the DataSet is there a more efficiant way to get drCustName = Nothing (other than to set it equal to nothing)?
now with that said I'm writing a program that I have a dataset (not connected to a database) to store a bunch of variables (they're all strings) anyways the dataset has two fields that I programically set up anyways enough of the background info here's a peice of the code that adds the values to the dataset:
Private dsSettings as new DataSet = Whatever
Dim drCustName As DataRow = dsSettings.Tables("Customers").NewRow()
drCustName("SettingName") = "Customer Name"
drCustName("SettingValue") = strCustName