Question Difficulty Writing File


New member
Jul 17, 2010
Programming Experience
I am developing an application that must temporarily copy a Pro/E file to the text folder on the Pro/E loadpoint (<loadpoint>/text). For those unfamiliar with Pro/E, this is basically just a text file.

<loadpoint> is located inside the Programs Folder on XP.

Everything is working great when I run my program under my login. However, it appears that the file is not being copied to this location when other people run the program under their logins on the same computer.

I'm guessing this is a permissions issue. Can someone shed a little light on this for me? What is the best way to solve this problem?

Yes, you are right, this will be a problem of insufficient user rights on the Computer.
In company enviroments, normaly by default User only have read privileges on <Programfiles>.

So, you have to possible solutions for this problem:

1. Run your copy function as a user with admin rights
The "Con" of this Solution is, that you must ensure that on every computer, your software run, this special user is configured and it's not that easy to do it that way.

2. If your don't have the rights yourself, let the Admin configure this Special Folder so that the Group "User" has write and change rights into it.
This is the way, i prefere, because it's less depending on the setup of the computer.