Question Developing one single application for several database servers


New member
Jun 28, 2010
Programming Experience
Dear friends,

I have just started to work on the interface of a windows based application... this application will operate in 8 regions... where all 8 regions have their own database servers...

Now, my problem is that i would want to develope a generic system, which could maintain a dynamic connection string... that from which region its getting connected, so it should find its own database server to connect with...

I have in mind the DSN Connection string... but there are lots of side effects of the DSN Connection String....

I would highly appreciate to recieve your answers... ideas!!!

PS: All the databases at all 8 regions maintains the same database structure (Tables, Views....)

Thanks in advance.

Dear Friend, thanks for the reply.

I went throught the links you sent... but my problem is that:

I have to develop a single application, which has to operate on 8 different regions. .
we have different databases servers with different IP addressess in all 8 regions which are all available in a single network, so now i would like to maintain a generic type of connection string (i.e. DSN Connection string) that the application should get the connection string parameters (i.e. data source, initial catalog, userid, password) for the respected region database server in which it belongs... and i dont know how to develope such a dynamic and generic type of connection string... thanks for the cooperatio
Write a simple, example test app as per the first link it sent, that conencts to ONE database server

Then read the other link for information on how to CHANGE the connection string during program run time to target a different database server
You can have one database (accessible by all 8 regions) with a table called "users" with the fields "UserID, Password, ServerAddress"
The login form must contain the logic to determine the ServerAddress based on the Username and Password, and then build a connection string using that ServerAddress