Question Deployment Involving DLL References and Global Assembly Cache (GAC)


Active member
Mar 31, 2009
Programming Experience
Greetings everyone,

I created a Windows Application using VB.NET 2005 Express Edition. In my project I have two references to DLLs from a 3rd part product, so that I could access its API (Ascent Capture 7.5 from Kofax if you needed to know). For the two references, I have set the Copy Local property to False, and in the app.config file I am using assemblyBinding to reference one of the DLLs.

When I build the application and then execute the EXE file in the \bin\Release folder, everything works fine. When I do a publish and try to run the setup.exe application that is created, I get an error message that basically states the DLL I referenced in the app.config file needs to be installed in the GAC.

So why does my application work fine from the Release folder without having to do anything to the GAC, but I cannot install using the setup.exe from the Publish? I would like to use the setup.exe because I need to install this on other machines than my own.

Let me know if you have any questions or comments.
I think I have figured out the Publish issue on my own. I was reviewing my Publish Settings when I saw the Application Files button. After clicking on the button I saw what looks like the files that are required to make the application run. The two DLLs I mentioned earlier had a Publish Status of Prerequisite (Auto). When I changed it to Exclude, then the publish works fine with no GAC message.

If anyone has any questions or comments, let me know.