Deployment (im new)

jay j

Aug 21, 2009
Programming Experience
hey guys, dunno if this is the correct room to post this but here goes.

i have now got VS 2008 Team Edition. i have written a simple program and want to put it to CD to take to a friends computer so he can have it installed on his too. however i cant find out how this is done :S have tried "file>add>new project>setup wizard then build solution" all that does is put it to my PC ... i dont get the MSI ... the installer package ... the setup file i need to put it to disc, i have also clicked "publish" keeps trying to connect to a URL through my browser though when i double click the setup file it creates "application file" ... i need help :( all i want to know is how to make it into a setup file i can then put to disc and install from there.

thanks guys :D

Jay J
If u built the setup correctly, the Setup file will be in your windows application folder. Not in the setup folder.

For example: if ur application name is WindowsApplication1, And ur setup name is Setup1, then ur setup(installer) will be located in (By default)
"My Documents\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\WindowsApplication1\Setup1\Debug"

Make sure u rebuild the setup solution before checking

However here is the step by step procedure:

1) Open your windows application.
2) In the Solution explorer pane, Right click on your solution, Add-->New Project
Not From file>add>new project>setup wizard
3) In The window, Other Project Types --> Setup and deployment--> Setup Project
Here we find three options as following:
Application Folder
User's Desktop
User's Program Menu
Step 4: These three options are the three places where we want to copy our setup fules during the installation process. From here we have to select one option. Suppose I select User's Desktop. Then Right click on User's Desktop option and select Add-> Project Output.
Step 5: After clicking on Project Output, a new window will open. Here we select first four options.
Step 6: After clicking on OK, Rebuild the Setup from Build option. And u r done. U should find the setup in the windowsapplication project folder
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