Deploying files problem


Well-known member
Sep 17, 2008
Dallas, TX
Programming Experience
I have a simple program that I made with two text files. This is the code that I have to set text from a text box to the file within my program.

 On Error Resume Next 'if theres and error it will skip it and move on so the 
                               'program don't crash
        Dim i As Integer = 1 'Declares i as an integer. Most of the time i is used 
                                    'to hold counting numbers

        FileOpen(1, Application.StartupPath & "/urls.inf", OpenMode.Output, OpenAccess.Write)

When I am in 2008 and I debug my app it works without any problems whatsoever, however, when I go thru the setup and deploy and install on it on several computers it dosn't work.

Now, this code may not be the problem so my real question is where do I place the .inf files when deploying my app since the code says "/urls.inf"?

Do I have to place them everywhere I put the project output or just in one place?

Also, when I am deploying I see that a "exe.config" file following my project output. How can I get the .config file to be hidden or not there at all. I am not adding it while deploying so I do not know where it's coming from.

Hope this was

thanks in advanced


I figured that my .inf files need to be in the same location as the exe file just like a database file.....

Now, I added the .inf files to the same folder under setup, however, I do not want others to be able to open these files to change information within them. I tried (hidden = true) in the properties while in setup and deploy but now the user can not add to these files.....

Is there a way to hide these files correctly?