VB.NET Forum Admin
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December 2005 Edition - The VB.NET Forums Newsletter
<HR>VB.NET Forums Newsletter Contents:
▪ Latest Review: Dundas Chart and Dundas Gauge
The latest buzz on the VB.NET forums is all about Dundas. In discussions on top charting components the consensus continues to be Dundas and their leading object model. After hearing from other developers, it was time to dive into these products and see what makes them so great. Charting vendors certainly lead the market in presentation, documentation, samples galleries, and design time wizards to ensure developers get the most of their components. Component vendors, please follow these companies as an example of completely packaging your products. It is one thing to develop a software product, however, documentation, presentation, and training often fall short. Dundas sets the example of how to do it right.
In this months review, in the spirit of their December WinWeb combo and huge price break, both Dundas Gauge and Dundas Chart were reviewed, side-by-side. It's amazing when you actually get into a product such as this that appear to have limited presentation abilities, yet Dundas provides granular control of the components with great runtime functionality taking a presentation control to an interactive control. After reading this months review, take 20 minutes of your time to download, install, then review only their samples gallery. It is a great building block approach to seeing what the controls can do, then teach you how to use them with a skilled presentation. It will be well worth your time as these controls represent years of expertise, engineering, and quality production.
Dundas Web Links:
▪ Dundas WinWeb Combo's - December Only:
It happens once a year, the Dundas Win/Web combos.
Developers can take advantage of the month of December and get both Windows Forms and ASP.NET Editions of Dundas Chart or Dundas Gauge for one price. Get the most advanced data visualization solutions for your upcoming projects in 2005 and make your applications look their best.
Use both Dundas Chart and Dundas Gauge together to create advanced Digital Dashboards as well.
Offer ends December 31st, 2005, so purchase your combo today
▪ Help Desk Software - How do you Manage?
We've explorer systems such as AnswerTrack e-mail ticketing systems, of which also claims to have a Knowledgebase system, community forums, pure Knowledgbase systems, and now Help Desk software such as Kayako. Regardless of the system, the real question is "what will the customer use?" Can you block customers from e-mailing directly to support AT or drive them in the direction of self-help? I didn't even mention the option of "phone support!" In talking with larger SMB's asking them about moving to a phone support system, the answer is clearly "it is the worst thing we've ever done." With phone support you have to have knowledgeable people answering the phone, minimize the opportunity for a busy signal, and let's not forget, customer service skills! Although we've ruled out phone support for our primary business, we do note the first thing most customers ask for right away is "what is your phone number" or the infamous e-mail "here's my number, call me!"
So how do YOU manage? Share your thoughts on the VB.NET Forums and help crack the formula of keeping a business small without sacrificing growth of the business (customer base) at the same time.
Deep Thoughts...Happy Coding to all....
Neal Culiner
The VB.NET Forums
▪ Latest Vendor Announcements on the VB.NET Forums
▪ Advertise on the VB.NET Forums:
Interested in promoting your products or business on the exclusive VB.NET Forums community? We have banner ad slots available for your business today. Take advantage of annual pre-pay and get additional advertising months free! Click the banner below to receive an automatic quote for today's affordable rates.
▪ Visit the VB.NET Forums: Ask, Share, Learn Visual Basic .NET together
Come visit the VB.NET forums and find answers to your questions or help others with their VB.NET questions. Learn from others and hone your skills keeping up with the latest on VB.NET.
We also invite vendors to post new release information and announcements to our Vendors forum. Help us stay up-to-date with your outstanding products.
See you at the forums...<HR>
December 2005 Edition - The VB.NET Forums Newsletter
<HR>VB.NET Forums Newsletter Contents:
- Dundas Chart and Dundas Gauge Review
- Dundas offers WinWeb Combo's December Only
- Help Desk Software - How do you Manage?
- Latest Announcements from our VB.NET Forums Vendors
- Advertise on the VB.NET Forums - Affordable Rates
▪ Latest Review: Dundas Chart and Dundas Gauge
The latest buzz on the VB.NET forums is all about Dundas. In discussions on top charting components the consensus continues to be Dundas and their leading object model. After hearing from other developers, it was time to dive into these products and see what makes them so great. Charting vendors certainly lead the market in presentation, documentation, samples galleries, and design time wizards to ensure developers get the most of their components. Component vendors, please follow these companies as an example of completely packaging your products. It is one thing to develop a software product, however, documentation, presentation, and training often fall short. Dundas sets the example of how to do it right.
In this months review, in the spirit of their December WinWeb combo and huge price break, both Dundas Gauge and Dundas Chart were reviewed, side-by-side. It's amazing when you actually get into a product such as this that appear to have limited presentation abilities, yet Dundas provides granular control of the components with great runtime functionality taking a presentation control to an interactive control. After reading this months review, take 20 minutes of your time to download, install, then review only their samples gallery. It is a great building block approach to seeing what the controls can do, then teach you how to use them with a skilled presentation. It will be well worth your time as these controls represent years of expertise, engineering, and quality production.
~~ Read the December Review ~~
Dundas Web Links:
- Gagnon-Harper Chart
- RicherComponents RichDatePicker for ASP.NET
- Janus Web GridEx - ASP.NET Grid Control
- /n Software - Red Carpet Subscription
- Preemptive Dotfuscator Professional
- Desaware Licensing System
▪ Dundas WinWeb Combo's - December Only:
It happens once a year, the Dundas Win/Web combos.
Developers can take advantage of the month of December and get both Windows Forms and ASP.NET Editions of Dundas Chart or Dundas Gauge for one price. Get the most advanced data visualization solutions for your upcoming projects in 2005 and make your applications look their best.
Use both Dundas Chart and Dundas Gauge together to create advanced Digital Dashboards as well.
Offer ends December 31st, 2005, so purchase your combo today
▪ Help Desk Software - How do you Manage?
A lot of developers these days are small businesses, less than five developers, and managing growing businesses. Are you growing to the point where customer inquiries are paralyzing your business? Are you unable to spend time developing and moving forward as your customer base has reached a limit where inquiries are taking much of your time? We know the feeling and we're researching technologies to aid in team development, task management, and keeping the business small to keep operating costs at a minimum.
We've explorer systems such as AnswerTrack e-mail ticketing systems, of which also claims to have a Knowledgebase system, community forums, pure Knowledgbase systems, and now Help Desk software such as Kayako. Regardless of the system, the real question is "what will the customer use?" Can you block customers from e-mailing directly to support AT or drive them in the direction of self-help? I didn't even mention the option of "phone support!" In talking with larger SMB's asking them about moving to a phone support system, the answer is clearly "it is the worst thing we've ever done." With phone support you have to have knowledgeable people answering the phone, minimize the opportunity for a busy signal, and let's not forget, customer service skills! Although we've ruled out phone support for our primary business, we do note the first thing most customers ask for right away is "what is your phone number" or the infamous e-mail "here's my number, call me!"
So how do YOU manage? Share your thoughts on the VB.NET Forums and help crack the formula of keeping a business small without sacrificing growth of the business (customer base) at the same time.
Deep Thoughts...Happy Coding to all....
Neal Culiner
The VB.NET Forums
▪ Latest Vendor Announcements on the VB.NET Forums
Vendors, feel free to post your product announcements and help developers stay informed and up-to-date. Click here to post.
▪ Advertise on the VB.NET Forums:
Interested in promoting your products or business on the exclusive VB.NET Forums community? We have banner ad slots available for your business today. Take advantage of annual pre-pay and get additional advertising months free! Click the banner below to receive an automatic quote for today's affordable rates.

▪ Visit the VB.NET Forums: Ask, Share, Learn Visual Basic .NET together
Come visit the VB.NET forums and find answers to your questions or help others with their VB.NET questions. Learn from others and hone your skills keeping up with the latest on VB.NET.
We also invite vendors to post new release information and announcements to our Vendors forum. Help us stay up-to-date with your outstanding products.
See you at the forums...<HR>