datagridview and tabControl


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Programming Experience
hi all,
i am a bigineer to this programming.

here is m question

i have a from that contains a tabcontrol,
with in that tab controls there are few tab pages and the pages contains a datagridview controls,

my problem is when i pile my data into those datagridview for first time the column indexes in the datagridview is get messed up and values that i have put into the cells in run time is not diplaying in the datagrid ,

and i am triggering the tabcontrols selected event for the populate the data into the data grid

and after I select the same tab page for second time it works fine

the problem appears only for the first time

can anyone direct me to right direction

hint: in my datagridview column indexes shows differently for the first time

and i am using datatable as a dataSource for the datagridview and also i am hidding some columns as well

my coding is below

thanks in advance

Private Sub frmIssueitem4product_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load

Me.rbtnDescription.Checked = True
sqlConnection = Getconnection()
If sqlConnection.State = ConnectionState.Closed Then
End If
'select product and Item details in the product item table regarding to the product number

sqlCmdIssue.CommandText = "Select * from Product_Item_Info where HIN_NO ='" & frmIssue.txtHINNO.Text & "'"
sqlCmdIssue.Connection = sqlConnection
dAdpIssue.SelectCommand = sqlCmdIssue
dAdpIssue.Fill(dstIssue, "Product_Item_Info")


sqlCmdIssue.CommandText = "Select * from Item"
dAdpIssue.Fill(dstIssue, "Item")

Dim dcKey(0) As DataColumn
dcKey(0) = dstIssue.Tables("Item").Columns("Item_NO")
dstIssue.Tables("Item").PrimaryKey = dcKey

Dim i As Integer = 0
Dim drNavigateProDItemInfo As DataRow
Dim drNavigateItem As DataRow
Dim Quantity As Double

For i = 0 To dstIssue.Tables("Product_Item_Info").Rows.Count - 1

drNavigateProDItemInfo = dstIssue.Tables("Product_Item_Info").Rows(i)
drNavigateItem = dstIssue.Tables("Item").Rows.Find(drNavigateProDItemInfo.Item(1).ToString)

drNavigateProDItemInfo.Item("Item_Code") = drNavigateItem.Item(1)
drNavigateProDItemInfo.Item("Description") = drNavigateItem.Item(2)
drNavigateProDItemInfo.Item("Location") = drNavigateItem.Item(5)
Quantity = drNavigateItem.Item(6).ToString
drNavigateProDItemInfo.Item("Available_Quantity") = Quantity.ToString("N", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)
drNavigateProDItemInfo.Item("Category") = drNavigateItem.Item(8)

' form gets the name of the current product

Me.Text = frmIssue.txtHINNO.Text & " - Issuing details"


Dim strColsToExport() As String = {"HIN_NO", "Item_NO", "Item_Code", "Description", "Location", "Available_Quantity", "Quantity_Required", "Category"}

dtIssueItems = dstIssue.Tables("Product_Item_Info").DefaultView.ToTable(False, strColsToExport)

dtIssueItems.Columns.Add("Issuing Amount")

dtIssueItems.Columns(0).ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden
dtIssueItems.Columns(1).ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden
dtIssueItems.Columns("Date").ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden
dtIssueItems.Columns("Category").ColumnMapping = MappingType.Hidden


dgvSelectedDatagrid = Me.dgvResin
CreateDataGrid(Me.dgvResin, "Category like 'Resin'")

End Sub

Private Sub tabCtrlChemicals_Selected(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.TabControlEventArgs) Handles tabCtrlChemicals.Selected
Dim intTabPg As Integer = 0
intTabPg = e.TabPageIndex

Select Case intTabPg
Case 0
CreateDataGrid(Me.dgvResin, "Category like 'Resin'")
dgvSelectedDatagrid = Me.dgvResin

Case 1
CreateDataGrid(Me.gdvTypeB, "Category like 'Type B'")
dgvSelectedDatagrid = Me.gdvTypeB
Case 2
CreateDataGrid(Me.dgvTypeC, "Category like 'Type C'")
dgvSelectedDatagrid = Me.dgvTypeC
Case 3
CreateDataGrid(Me.dgvGlassFiber, "Category like 'Glass Fiber'")
dgvSelectedDatagrid = Me.dgvGlassFiber
Case 4
CreateDataGrid(Me.dgvPaint, "Category like 'Paint'")
dgvSelectedDatagrid = Me.dgvPaint

End Select

Protected Sub OntabCtrlChemicals_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles tabCtrlChemicals.SelectedIndexChanged

' Select Case Me.WindowState

' Case FormWindowState.Normal

' MessageBox.Show("Form was restored", Application.ProductName)
' 'If (Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal And frmAddItem.CurrentValue) Then
' ' 'frmAddItem.CurrentValue = False
' 'End If

' Case FormWindowState.Minimized

' MessageBox.Show("Form was minimized", Application.ProductName)

' Case FormWindowState.Maximized

' MessageBox.Show("Form was maximized", Application.ProductName)

' End Select

End Sub

Private Sub dgvIssueItems_CellClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles dgvResin.CellClick
If e.ColumnIndex = 8 Then
Me.dgvResin.CurrentRow.ReadOnly = True
Me.dgvResin.CurrentRow.Cells(7).Value = "12356456"
MsgBox("weda weda")
End If
End Sub

Private Sub CreateDataGrid(ByVal DGV As DataGridView, ByVal strFilter As String)

DGV.DataSource = Nothing

If DGV.Columns.Count = 3 Then
End If

'inserting the columns that are needed

Dim col1 As New DataGridViewButtonColumn
Dim col2 As New DataGridViewButtonColumn

col1.HeaderText = "Issue"
col1.Text = "Issue"
col2.HeaderText = "Re-Issue"
col2.Text = "Re-Issue"
col1.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = True
col2.UseColumnTextForButtonValue = True

col1.Name = "Issue"
col2.Name = "Re-Issue"

Dim datacol As New CalendarColumn
datacol.HeaderText = "Date"
datacol.Name = "Date"
DGV.Columns.Insert(0, datacol)
datacol = Nothing

dtIssueItems.DefaultView.RowFilter = strFilter
DGV.DataSource = dtIssueItems.DefaultView

DGV.AllowUserToAddRows = False

DGV.Columns.Insert(8, col1)
DGV.Columns.Insert(9, col2)

DGV.Columns("Location").Resizable = DataGridViewTriState.True
DGV.Columns("Location").HeaderText = "LO"
DGV.Columns("Location").Width = 50

'DGV.Columns(0).DisplayIndex = 0
'DGV.Columns(1).DisplayIndex = 8
'DGV.Columns(2).DisplayIndex = 9
'DGV.Columns(3).DisplayIndex = 1
'DGV.Columns(4).DisplayIndex = 2
'DGV.Columns(5).DisplayIndex = 3
'DGV.Columns(6).DisplayIndex = 4
'DGV.Columns(7).DisplayIndex = 5
'DGV.Columns(8).DisplayIndex = 6
'DGV.Columns(9).DisplayIndex = 7
'Dim row As DataGridViewRow

Dim intI As Integer = 0

For intI = 0 To DGV.Rows.Count - 1
DGV.Item(0, intI).Value = Date.Today.ToShortDateString

End Sub
yes i have set d datagridview.AutoGenerateColumns to true

it perfectly generate the columns that i need

problem is with the datagrid column indexes the columns that i inserting in the runtime didnt get the right indexes ( 8 and 9 ) for the first time for that perticular tab page

but for the second time i selection it works fine

(i mean it gets the desired column indexes (8 and 9 ))

further i am using a data table as a datasource of the datagrid
