Datagrid not taking up dataview as a data source - solved
In my code I have a dataview which I want to bind to a datagrid
I want to use it to sort column on the datagrid itself
When using dataview make sure that you don't databind the datagrid to the dataset in properties.
In my code I have a dataview which I want to bind to a datagrid
I want to use it to sort column on the datagrid itself
Public Sub BindGrid(ByVal SortField As Object)
Dim strSortOrder As String = Session("SortOrder").ToString
' Create a DataView based on the only DataTable in DataSetUsers
'Dim myDataView As DataView = DataSetInvoiceHistory.Tables(0).DefaultView
Dim myDataView As DataView = New DataView(DataSetInvoiceHistory.Tables(0))
myDataView.Sort = strSortField & " ASC"
' Display the field you are sorting and its direction
''myDataView.RowFilter = strRowFilter
' Bind the DataGrid to the sorted DataView.
DataGridInvoiceHistory.DataSource = myDataView
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
End Sub
When using dataview make sure that you don't databind the datagrid to the dataset in properties.
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