Data from websites


Active member
Dec 13, 2010
Programming Experience
Hey, i hobe you can understand what i want to do.

I have a code from my website, and the code show the 10 last posts.
and i try to get that information to my form.

Only the titel and the datetime its postet.

You can se mysite.asp code here.
Call OpenDataBase
Dim intsAntall
Dim strCaptions
Dim objRS

Set objRS = objConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM forumthreads Where Hidden=" & SQLBoolean(False) &" ORDER BY DateCreated DESC")

If (Not objRS.BOF) And (Not objRS.EOF) Then
intsAntall = 0
While (Not objRS.EOF) And (intsAntall < 10)

intsAntall = intsAntall + 1

strCaptions = FixString(objRS("Subject"))
If Len(strCaptions) > 38 Then
strCaptions = Mid(strCaptions, 1, 38) & " ..."
End If

Response.Write " <a href=""/forum/forum_treadsshow.asp?id=" & objRS("ID") & "&SiteNameID=2" & Chr(34) & " class=""UserBox"">" & strCaptions & "<br></a>" & vbCrLf

End If

Set objRS = Nothing

Call CloseDataBase

And i want to know how my code or form shell look like in the code.
I have try to make a code but i cant see what i shell do and how i do it.
Cant some one post a code there can get the information from the website into my form..
And i dont care if the info get into a label or textbox
Please help me :)
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I will realy hope some one can help me here.
i have search on the internet, but have not found enything, not a code or guide to doit, so i realy hope for some help in here. :)

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