Custom buttons on windows forms


Well-known member
Oct 15, 2005
United Kingdom
Programming Experience
Hello there, i have seen an app that was made in and i was wondering how to emulate this effect. The images below are what I am trying to create, and what I suspect might be quite difficult is that the mouse over and mouse down effects differ in relation to their respective background colours. I don't really have any idea where to start so all suggestions are appreciated.

Thanks, Craig.
If you're trying to draw a dottend line then you need to set some or all of the Pen properties that begin with "Dash". You should always read the class overview and member listing topics in the MSDN library for the classes you're using. Then you'd know what members are available and what they are for. Here's what an MSDN search for "draw line" (without quotes) returned also, which is full of what look like useful topics. Thats where I found out about those properties of the Pen class just now myself.
Ah, I didn't read that code so I didn't realise that had come from elsewhere. Bad vis, bad. :) Anyway, that's an example of why copying and pasting is not a great idea. There is no substitute for your own research. If you copy and paste and it works, you still haven't increased your understanding. You should be reading about the classes and members used in posted code anyway.