Crystal reports?


Mar 22, 2009
Programming Experience
I am new to working with crystal reports. I would like to know way(s) to write 14 similar detail reports.
I will be passing parameters from a windows application to a crystal report that will have 14 detail reports that are similar but the columns may be different based upon the selection category passed by the parameters. Each version of the detail reports will be similar but vary depending upon the category that is selected.
The reports will only one one major selection criteria on them. These reports will be emailed out to each user user the request the detail infomation.
Thus is there a way with crystal reports to have the reports similar but different based upon one major selction criteria? This would be similar to using cascading styles sheets on the web or writing a .net method that has the same name, but different parameters that can be passed to the 'methods' in .net.

**note I also posted this in windows form group since I could not find a crystal report group

If you set a parameter in the report, then that report requires a value be given for that parameter.... You cant set a half a dozen parameters and say its ok just to accept any given one and by the way which every one is passed, retrieve and display completly different results.
The parameter that would be passed in will right now will have to 14 different values. This way I will have 14 different formats of the detail report. The report will be different based upon the type of data that is associated with the category of data.

Thus can you tell me how to setup 14 different report formats in cyrstal report? The reports will display different results based upon the stored procedure that the crystal reports is based upon.
