Crystal Reports Help

Bill Humphrey

Active member
Apr 10, 2008
Programming Experience
I'm tring to open a Crystal Report through a .net web page:

I'm using visual studio 2003

The report was written in stand alone CR developers edition

I have added all the crystal references to my bin library

I'm trying to open the report embedded in a web page but it will not display the report without having CR installed on the PC or server where the app is run. Is it possible to open the RPT file from an app without having to install the CR dev edition.

Regards BH
Not sure this helps

I've ran into similar problems doing this in the past. In CR you can add tables directly to the report along with joins etc. I ran into this when I tried to import a couple of reports and upon execution I would have a problem.

I found if it created a view and had the report access it instead of the tables directly, then VS wouldn't have a problem once imported. I just make sure I create all the reports in VS now so I don't have these types of problems.