Crystal Report not displaying any information!?


New member
Aug 17, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi guys, im new to programming in .NET, i am using VS2003.

I have a program that thus far can check a date against the dbase and write new records to the same dbase, now i need to print a report, I have followed the instructions in book i am using to the letter, but when i run the program the crystalreport viewer is blank.

I have created my report, then set the datasource of the viewer to the report, now according to the book im using that should be it, but OH NO, nothing in my VB.NET life is ever that easy :(. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Oh and im using the Crystal report wizards not blank report creation as all i need is just a bog standard report.

Many thanks

You can try this link, it has a step by step guide to creating a report.,39026570,20280475,00.htm

If the viewer is blank it most likely is a problem with the bindings between the viewer and the report or the datasource itsself.

Btw, i changed the title of your post to something that better conveys your request.
Thanks for the title change :), and that link shows one part that the book doesnt, the AddNewItem dataset cheers for that problem solved :D:D