Creating Access Data Table


Active member
Feb 9, 2006
Sugar Land, TX
Programming Experience
We need to "create" an MS Access data table from within VB.Net without defining fields much like a "make table query" in MS Access. The reason for this is so that we can convert MS Access application to VB.Net gradually. We are seeking to create a table in VB.Net copy this table together with its structure to MS Access and make the source of the data transparent to the MS Access users.

I know that a table can be created by defining fields, but this solution would not work for us.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Using VB.Net 2003

ADO.NET can run a SELECT ... INTO query without any problems, and this is the only way to create a table without using ADOX or DDL queries. What problem do you have using this form of query?
We were able to create a table by copying the colums, using

RARDetail = New DataTable("RARDetail")
Dim CustNo As DataColumn = New DataColumn("CustNo")

Not elegant, but it works. Thanks for the help
Your answer doesnt seem to relate to the question being asked; this creates a DataTable, not a database table?

However, if your app is working as expected then it's not so bad of a solution; you could make it a strongly typed table, and also there exists a method to Clone() a DataTable without copying the data