converting rich text box


Dec 4, 2006
Programming Experience
converting rich text box - RESOLVED

I have a rich text box control that i am using as a text editor. I want to convert this so I can save it as data into an access database. I have seen this done before. I have a sample project (exe no code) that pretty much does what i want to do and i am trying to duplicate it. for example: i create a document with red text that says this is a test.. when i look in the database this is what i see for that field...

{\colortbl ;\red255\green0\blue0;}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\cf1\lang1033\f0\fs16 This is a test\cf0\f1\fs17
\par }

Any ideas on what is being done?
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That is the Rich Text Format encoded text. The properties you want to look into is the .Text and .SelectedText for plain text and .RTF and .SelectedRTF for rich text.
Thank you John H. After some poking around I figured it out. I had some premature posting problems there, but i was getting frustrated that i couldn't figure it out because I new it had to be something dumb.