Control LEDs with program


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2006
Georgia, USA
Programming Experience
This is a multi-part question, and I don't expect to get both parts answered here. I have an idea for a device I would like to build, as well as the software to control it, and I'm looking for a place to start. The device would just be a series of LEDs (maybe three banks of five) that I could individually light with the program. I want to incorporate this into a POP mail checker, as well as mIRC scripts, and a few other ideas. Has anyone ever done anything like this? I have two LEDs from a USB hard drive and I cut one end off of a USB cable. I've been able to get the LED to light just by having the cable plugged into the computer and touching two random wires to the LED, but I can pin down which ones I need to use. I also tried to use a serial port control in VB, but that didn't do anything either. I'd appreciate any nudges in the right direction.
parallel port.

consider yourself nudged :)
The only reason those USB wires worked was because two of the wires in a USB cable serve as a 5-volt power supply to the device. Those 5 volts will power the LED, but you can't control it in any way.
i would imagine a controller circuit board would be needed here, then of course the ability to send commands through the USB port to your controller to actually make the lights blink in the fashion you'd like