Control Enter and Mouseclick Events


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2008
Programming Experience
Next question...

I'm trying to cater for all eventualities and make data entry as swift as possible on my form.

To that end, I have set several combo boxes to "drop down" if the user tabs to them, by using the "Enter" event.

    Private Sub sexComboBox_Enter(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles sexComboBox.Enter, numberissuedbyComboBox.Enter, methodComboBox.Enter, feeComboBox.Enter
        If mainForm.isedit = False Then Exit Sub
    End Sub

This works exactly as I want it to, that is until the user clicks on the control rather than tabbing to it. What happens then is that the combobox drops and then closes up immediately. I then have to click the box again to get it to drop down to select the item I want.

I've tried handling the "Mouseclick" event to bypass the "Enter" event, but that doesn't work because the "Enter" event fires first.

What I'm aiming for is: on entering the control, automatically drop the list down, unless the control has been entered by clicking on it.

I expect I'm missing something obvious, but any suggestions?

Thanks. That sort of works, but not entirely satisfactorily. For instance, if a combobox is dropped down and I then move to another combobox, the new one doesn't respond? Nor does the MouseLeave event appear to fire when I leave the control that is dropped down (I thought I could use that to roll the dropdown list back up). I think I'll simply stop trying to be clever.