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Active member
Jan 9, 2006
Programming Experience
Hey ppl,

does anyone know how to populate a listbox with the phone' contacts database..
using VB .net

waiting for replies...
I've deleted your duplicate thread. Please don't start new threads if you don't get answered. Just add a post to your existing thread to bring it back to people's attention.

You say ListBox here but you said ComboBox in the other thread. Either way, your best bet is to use a DataReader to read the values you want from the database and either add them directly to ListControl or add them to an array and then assign that to the control's DataSource. Assuming you are using a database that supports ADO.NET, I suggest you read about the OleDbDataReader class.

I did keep it up in the forum as there were none else posted after me and i kept checking twice evryday to see if it was replied.. but din find anything thats y i started a new thread..
Anyway i apologize..
By the way i did check out abt POOM today and it helped me..
I generally look down the list of forums on the home page and only open those that have Today or Yesterday as the date of the last post. If I was away for a few days, which I have been at various times, I would have missed your original post. An additional post would have refreshed the date and brought it to my attention. I can't speak for others but that's how I work.

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