Question Compilation of Code


New member
Oct 31, 2010
Programming Experience
Dear All,

I m starting with .Net, i have read a few article and bit confused how the compilation works.

Pls see where m i going wrong
1.When u compile the code, the CLR/vbc compiles the code in MSIL(native code)
2.JIT converts the code into machine code

i want to ask does JIT have to convert the code each time the native code is executed?

Pls help, so that i can go to the further concepts

Suresh G
1.When u compile the code, the CLR/vbc compiles the code in MSIL(native code)
2.JIT converts the code into machine code

i want to ask does JIT have to convert the code each time the native code is executed?
True for all above. You can go one step further by precompiling assembly with ngen to add it to computers native image cache. Ngen.exe (Native Image Generator)

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