COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW can not be used.


Well-known member
May 19, 2006
Programming Experience
hi mods,

i have tried to insert a query inside a Function which i invoke using a thread. the problem is when i execute the Function it prompts an error like this:

Additional information: COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW can not be used.

my code is something like

Function myFunction(lst as listview) as String
'some codes here

for i as integer=0 to lst.Items.Count-1

dim cmd as new OledbCommand("Exec SaveRecord '" & lst.Items(x).Subitems(4).ToString & "'",connection)

End Function

any help is appreciated....:)
Then what do you mean by "i invoke using a thread"? Are you using a delegate to invoke the method on the UI thread? If not, what does that mean? Also, exactly what line is the exception thrown on?
sorry... i have mistaken... its the other way around.. worker thread that is...
it works fine when i delegate it... but when i used a worker thread it throws an error.. the one i stated above....

the error points here

this part...

dim cmd as new OledbCommand("Exec SaveRecord '" & lst.Items(x).Subitems(4).ToString & "'",connection)
Well you just answered your own question. You aren't supposed to access control members from worker threads and this is a prime example of why. Sometimes it will work OK and others it won't. Unless you want to spend the best years of your life cataloguing which control members can be access from a worker thread under which conditions I suggest that you just do the right thing and ALWAYS use a delegate. Your function should look like this:
Private Delegate Sub MySubDelegate(ByVal lst As ListView)

Private Function MyFunction(ByVal lst As ListView) As String
    'some codes here

End Function

Private Sub MySub(ByVal lst As ListView)
    If lst.InvokeRequired Then
        lst.Invoke(New MySubDelegate(AddressOf MySub), lst)
        Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("Exec SaveRecord @Param", connection)

        cmd.Parameters.Add("@Param", OleDbType.VarChar)

        For i As Integer = 0 To lst.Items.Count - 1 Step 1
            cmd.Parameters("@Param").Value = lst.Items(i).SubItems(4).Text
    End If
End Sub
i tried this code.... and it returns syntax error in "lst" saying.. "Value of type 'System.Windows.Forms.ListView' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of System.Object'.
I wrote that in VB 2005 and they've changed the signature of Control.Invoke in .NET 2.0. The second argument is now a ParamArray so you can pass loose objects. Previously it was not so you have to literally pass an Object array:
lst.Invoke(New MySubDelegate(AddressOf MySub), New Object() {lst})
geez... sometimes hopping with .net 2005 and 2003 confuses me... Thanx