Checking Files In & Out


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2005
New Jersey, US
Programming Experience
Because at our company there are so many different versions of our software out there because of people working on their files locally and then updating the network file to be released to users but sometimes we run the code locally when writing job specific actions. However, for each programmer that we have now we want to create our own DLL file for actions and be able to check files in and out so that if a programmer is accessing a file that no other person wil be able to access the file until he exits. Any suggestions or resources on how to accomplish this task? If you have any questions just ask.
Look at sourceSafe (from Microsoft) or Vault (from SourceGear). Everything gets stored on a central server. When a file is needed, it is checked out and the latest copy is copied to the user's HD. When done, save the file, and check it back in.

Which one do you like more?

I am looking around and they have this for VS 2005 .NET correct? and also which do you think would be better in a small business environment. Taking the following into consideration in this order:

1. Simplicity of implementation process.
2. Usability.
3. Cost.
4. Support, prodcut quality, updates, etc.

Thanks for the help, ill be conducting further research on these products and ill tell you what I came up with.