Change, Is it to late


New member
Mar 28, 2006
Programming Experience
Hello to all,

I am new here and I thought this would be a great place to start. I am very interested in programming but have no programming background. I have a background in networking but would like to jump track and move to developing.

I have a little experience with vb but that is it. I am almost 31 and my question to everyone is..... **** IS IT TO LATE FOR ME TO CHANGE CAREERS*****.. I am very interested in VB.NET, and etc.

I am looking for everyones thoughts and opinions.

Thank you
Beginner31:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
:D It is never to late! I went from a speach therapist to a web applications developer at 25. Your move isn't near as drastic.

My suggestion to you is that you get a student copy of the .Net 2.0 IDE Load it on a personal computer and write some small programs for yourself. This board and others on line are great resources and mosst everything your going to want to do on a small scale can be found via "google". :)

Go to the book store and get 2 or 3 books that will walk you both through small "Hello world!" type projects and the more complex take this database information and present it to your user. Last but not least you'll want to get some "quick refrence" books with good indexes for thoose times when you "just know that .net has to have a way to do it, but where in this giant framework is it" questions.

Another thing BOOKMARK the MSDN web site.

Also 4 guys from rolla (if you plan on doing any ASP.NET)

and last but not least

These are by no means the only (best IMHO) places on the web to get info but they are great places to start.

Well you know the old saying

'Never say never'

So i would say no, it's not too late. But you'll need to get started soon. Programming is just one of those things that anyone can do if they have enough time to learn it. You just never know how quick you will pick it up, you may find that you have an affinity for it and that it just makes sense to you. Or you may find that it takes a bit more work. Either way programming is not reserved for a certain type of person, ANYONE can do it given the motivation and the inclination. So get yourself a book, a copy of visual, 10 beers, a stress toy, and get started.
beginner31 said:
Hello to all,

I am new here and I thought this would be a great place to start. I am very interested in programming but have no programming background. I have a background in networking but would like to jump track and move to developing.

I have a little experience with vb but that is it. I am almost 31 and my question to everyone is..... **** IS IT TO LATE FOR ME TO CHANGE CAREERS*****.. I am very interested in VB.NET, and etc.

I am looking for everyones thoughts and opinions.

Thank you
Beginner31:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Please do not post your same question three times. I have merged the threads.

Thank you.
Deleted double posts and moved thread to General Learning forum.

Good luck beginner31, get started!