Card Trick


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Programming Experience
Not done yet, still have to add the suits to it, but you get the idea.

This is based off of a card trick I really enjoy, and it drives people crazy if you're good at it. takes a bit of practice to get it to look convincing though.

Anyways, you should test run it before actally looking at the code to see if you can figure it out.

**To the point, someone lemme know if this looks to be inefficiant in any way. Thanks!

(1 form, two buttons and 5 labels)

Public Class Form1
    Public x As Integer
    Public y As Integer
    Public a As Integer
    Public b As Integer
    Public c As Integer
    Public XYDistance As Integer
    Enum permutation

        'list of all available permutations that
        'values A, B, and C can exsist in --
        'based on rank comparrisons between A, B
        'and C.

        LMH 'low/middle/high
        LHM 'low/high/middle
        MLH 'middle/low/high
        MHL 'middle/high/low
        HLM 'high/low/middle
        HML 'high/middle/low
    End Enum

    Public Sub chooseY()

        'Y is the first card to be chosen

        Dim r As New Random

        y = ((r.Next(1, 8) + r.Next(1, 8)) - 1)

    End Sub
    Public Sub chooseX()

        'X is chosen secondly

        Dim r As New Random
        XYDistance = r.Next(1, 7)

        If (y + XYDistance) > 13 Then
            x = ((y + XYDistance) - 13)
            x = (y + XYDistance)
        End If

    End Sub
    Public Sub chooseABC()

        'chooses which permutation to use
        'and then generates cards A B and
        'C on the form.

        Dim r As New Random

        Select Case (XYDistance - 1)
            Case permutation.LMH
                a = r.Next(1, 12)
                b = r.Next(a + 1, 13)
                c = r.Next(b + 1, 14)
            Case permutation.LHM
                a = r.Next(1, 12)
                b = r.Next(a + 2, 14)
                c = r.Next(a + 1, b - 1)
            Case permutation.MLH
                a = r.Next(2, 13)
                b = r.Next(1, a - 1)
                c = r.Next(a + 1, 14)
            Case permutation.MHL
                a = r.Next(2, 13)
                b = r.Next(a + 1, 14)
                c = r.Next(1, a - 1)
            Case permutation.HLM
                a = r.Next(3, 14)
                b = r.Next(1, a - 2)
                c = r.Next(b + 1, a - 1)
            Case permutation.HML
                a = r.Next(3, 14)
                b = r.Next(2, a - 1)
                c = r.Next(1, b - 1)
        End Select
    End Sub
    Public Sub ShowYABC()

        'displays the numbers to their
        'appropriate form labels.

        Me.yLabel.Text = y.ToString
        Me.aLabel.Text = a.ToString
        Me.bLabel.Text = b.ToString
        Me.cLabel.Text = c.ToString
    End Sub
    Public Sub ShowX()

        'reveals the hidden X value

        Me.xLabel.Text = x.ToString
    End Sub

    Private Sub showXButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles showXButton.Click
    End Sub

    Private Sub NewButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles NewButton.Click

        'deals a new set of numbers, and hides the X value

        Me.xLabel.Text = "x"
    End Sub

    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        'I put the rules in a message box here, but it's too long for posting purposes.

        'suffice it to say, 1-13 = Ace through King, and card suits arent relevent at this point.

    End Sub
End Class