Question Cant think if this is possible


Jun 23, 2011
Programming Experience
Hi, I'm making a program for a guy in my work so he can manage his training records and he's asked me if he could add new qualifications. but he wont have access to my database or anything like that. but I've found using the alter table feature of sql can create the new qualifications and I just add a new column for that, but I don't know how I'd go about filtering out the information in that table because that's what the program was really created for, so he didn't have to wade through a huge spreadsheet to find his data. I usually use a comboboxes to filter. so I'm wondering is there a simple way round this or should I just tell him it cant be done and to email me and il just update it? any help would be greatly appreciated.
Regards, Jim
Ok, I think you need to provide a little more information.... if you're considering using 'ALTER' to append fields to your DB in response to a user needing to add new information, then you've probably not designed your database correctly to start with.

I don't know exactly what your requirements are, but would it not make more sense to hold the 'qualifications' in a separate table containing the qualifications, then reference that from your 'training' table. You'd then give your end user a method to add to the qualifications table.

Obviously, with a bit more info it may turn out that the above isn't a perfect match.