Can I have User Control/Component on a Report ? - VB .net 2005


New member
Mar 1, 2007
Programming Experience

I am developing an application using 2005. I made a User Control that uses few properties , events useful which are not found in Label or Text box control.
Now I want to use this user control into ReportViewer or Crystal Reports, which-ever its possible or easier.

I could not get from the help on MSDN or any article that its possible or not ? If not what's the solution in such situation.

I thought of FormPrint, but thats not suitable for me since it does not give me multi-column option like I get for ReportViewer. Also data bounding has to be controlled by me, in a report if there fits 7 rows or 8 rows bringing data for those many records is managed by Report itself. So I have more preference to use Report. But if there is any solution where I can get data bounding feature like report, it will be useful.

I observed that MS Access Reports can have any active-x or component that can bound to data field in query or table.

I will appreciate if you know any third party report component for this purpose.

Thanks in advance.
[Sham Yemul]