Calling a webpage from another webpage....


Aug 29, 2007
Programming Experience

Hope someone can help with my simple question....

I have a default page which displays a login page and checks the user's credentials by checking the id in one external database and if correct storing the connectionstring to the user's database as a session variable, this variable is used in this page to check the username and password entered and if correct it should then move the user to the 'processing page'.

I am then using this session variable in another page 'processing page' where I intend to run several queries to generate some stats and eventually display them in a table. However, I am stuck on how to call my processing page so this new page is displayed in the browser (I will eventually have a processing image), and then it also needs to run all the functions in the processing page which will populate the tables. Then once the tables are populated the last page will display the table.

Can anyone help with this?

Does my approach seem logical or do I not need three pages for what I am trying to achieve...?

If I am approaching this wrong then please let me know with some hints/tips!!

Thanks :D