both are working on same file?

Jun 25, 2011
Programming Experience

We are developing a web application.We are facing difficulty during integrate it. Is any tool to develop a web application in a common manner ie., both are working on same file.Any suggestion or idea is appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.

Parvatha Solai.N
Your explanation is rather vague but I assume that you mean that you have multiple developers who want to be able to work on the same source code. In that case, you will need to get yourself some sort of source control. There are various options available, some free and some commercial, some simple and some complex. It's up to you to evaluate your needs and choose the best one for you.

That said, even with source control in place, it's not always possible for multiple developers to work on the same file at the same time. Even if it is possible, it's generally better to avoid it if possible. If it's not possible then you should aim to check in or commit regularly, because it lessens the chance of the multiple sources not being able to be merged automatically.

You should also consider your design carefully. Don't lump lots of loosely related code together into one file, thus reducing the need for multiple people to work on the same file at the same time. Try to assign each person tasks that will overlap other people's as little as possible too.
We use VisualSVN which is basically a Visual Studio add-on for the source control app Subversion - it controls a centralised 'repository' of code for multiple developers and is reasonably priced.

At the other end of the scale is Microsoft's Team Foundation suite - very comprehensive with some great features, but a pretty heavy price tag for smaller companies.