BindingSource Refresh


Active member
Dec 27, 2006
Programming Experience
I'm using BindingSource with a DataSet to display data on my form. When I add a new record (newSruRow = aideDS.Tables("tblPprSru").NewRow) to the DataSet and then Update the DataSet, the BindingSource is not updated even though I can count the correct number of record in the DataSet instance that I'm using. How can I get the BindingSource to display the new data after updating the DataSet?
Im guessing u have a grid bound to your dataset, and usin some other forms method to add new data? In the event where u are adding data somewehere toward the end, u may want to try "me.BindingSourceName.ResetBindings(False)"

Its just an idea...I havent tried it yet, but I do intend to. Wherever in your code u decide to "refresh" your bindingsource, try pulling up the the intellisense for whichever bindingsource u are working with, and look at your range of options.

Hope it helps

I'm using controls for each data element; textboxes and comboboxes mostly. The situation is that I have a many-to-many relationship and have to create the link table row and add it following the main record row. I've tried the BindingSource.AddNew and adding a row and appending it to the DataSet. If I add a new row I've difficulties getting the bindingsource to update the controls. If I add using the bindingsource.addnew it adds the main record and not the link record.
I'm using BindingSource with a DataSet to display data on my form. When I add a new record (newSruRow = aideDS.Tables("tblPprSru").NewRow) to the DataSet
NewRow doesnt add a new row. It returns you a new row that youre supposed to fill, then AddRow()

You dont add rows to datasets, you add them to datatables. DataSets are a collection of DataTables. This is very important and clear distinction, mmkay? :)

and then Update the DataSet,
Update() is a command of a tableadapter, not a dataset. See how quickly things get confusing?

the BindingSource is not updated even though I can count the correct number of record in the DataSet instance that I'm using. How can I get the BindingSource to display the new data after updating the DataSet?
If youre using BindingSources, then you WOULDNT refer to dataset tables like this:

You would do this:

additionally, are you sure this bindingsource is attached to that datatable, has no filters that would exclude your row, and that you did actually add the row to the datatable?
NewRow doesnt add a new row. It returns you a new row that youre supposed to fill, then AddRow()

My post may have confused this issue. Actually, I was simply explaining some of he ways that I had been trying - and did it in a shortened way. When I did the newSruRow = aideDS.Tables("tblPprSru").NewRow it worked fine when I filled in the fields and then added a new link table row, but again the BindingSource did not update. On the main form I would need to close and reopen for it to correctly display.

You dont add rows to datasets, you add them to datatables. DataSets are a collection of DataTables. This is very important and clear distinction, mmkay?

I was attempting to is the instance database to determine if the BindingSource would then be updated; but it wasn't. Here was my add --aideDS.Tables("tblPprSru").Rows.Add(newSruRow).

If youre using BindingSources, then you WOULDNT refer to dataset tables like this:

You would do this:

But since aideDS is my instance I get and error that "tblPprSru" is not a member of the System.Data.Dataset

and then Update the DataSet,

Then I need to Update the DataSet using the Fill methods again? Will the BindingSource then reflect the updates to the BindingSource?
But since aideDS is my instance I get and error that "tblPprSru" is not a member of the System.Data.Dataset
Erm.. Yea. That's because youre not using typed datasets.. If youre on .NET 2, then you really ought to for most things.

Then I need to Update the DataSet using the Fill methods again? Will the BindingSource then reflect the updates to the BindingSource?
Er. Fill doesnt update a dataset, it downlaods data from a database into a dataset.

I think youre going to have to post the code of your project, and i'll take a look at it; it will be easier to see what is wrong when everything is in front of me
1. dataDbStore is a class that populates the DataSet
2. frmPprEdit is a form which uses the populated DataSet from dataDbStore to display the recordsPublic Class dataDbStore

3. frmAddSru is a dialog form popped up from frmPprEdit which performs the adds. The dataset from frmPprEdit is passed as a property
4. After frmAddSru closes, frmPprEdit checks the dialog result to determine whether it needs to update the database. If it does then it calls a method in dbDataStore to perform the updates.

I've attempted to eliminate the extraneous code to focus on the issue of he adds.

Public Class dataDbStore

Private Sub FillAideDataTablesByPprNbr()


' Load this data in sequence
' ''dataAidePprLruAdapter.Fill(dataAideDataSet.tblPprLru)

'dataAideDataSet.EnforceConstraints = False
If _PprNbr.Length > 0 Then

dataAidePprAdapter.FillByPprNbr(dataAideDataSet.tblPPR, _PprNbr)
dataAideMilestonesAdapter.FillByPprNbr(dataAideDataSet.tblPpr_Milestones, _PprNbr)
dataAideMybAdapter.FillByPprNbr(dataAideDataSet.tblPpr_MYB, _PprNbr)
dataAideSolutionsAdapter.FillByPprNbr(dataAideDataSet.tblPpr_Solutions, _PprNbr)
dataAideUsageAdapter.FillByPprNbr(dataAideDataSet.tblPprUsage, _PprNbr)

dataAideSruAdapter.FillByPprNbr(dataAideDataSet.tblPprSru, _PprNbr)
'Dim sruTable As New DataTable
'sruTable = dataAideSruAdapter.GetSruByPprLruID(_PprLruID)
'Debug.Print("Reading the tblPprSru ...")
'For Each dr As DataRow In sruTable.Rows
' Debug.Print("Col0=" & dr(0).ToString() & " Col1=" & dr(1))

dataAideSruLinksAdapter.FillByPprNbr(dataAideDataSet.tblPpr_PprSru_Links, _PprNbr)
dataAideCompAdapter.FillByPprNbr(dataAideDataSet.tblPprComponents, _PprNbr)
dataAideCompLinksAdapter.FillByPprNbr(dataAideDataSet.tblPpr_PprComp_Links, _PprNbr)

End If

Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Public Function GetAideDataSet() As devAideDS

If dataAideDataSet.tblPPR.Count <= 0 Then
' Determine whether this is being run by LruID or PprNbr
If _PprLruID > 0 Then
ElseIf _PprNbr.Length > 0 Then
End If
End If
Return dataAideDataSet

End Function

Public Sub New(ByVal PprNbr As String)

_PprNbr = PprNbr

If _CurrentServer <> My.Settings.CurrentServer.ToString Then
_CurrentServer = My.Settings.CurrentServer.ToString
End If

Select Case _CurrentServer


' This value is invalid for this Class
' It only gets data from COSLOGDATA
Message.AppMessageBox("Invalid call to services class dataDbStore.", MessageBoxCaptions.ErrorCaption)
End Select
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End Sub

Public Sub UpdateAideData()


Debug.Print("SRU: " & sruAddsReturn)
Debug.Print("SRU Links: " & srulinksAddsReturn)

' Process the added and updated rows first
' followed by the deleted rows
If dataAideDataSet.HasChanges Then

' Process the deletes next
' removing all link tables first followed by tables with foreign keys
'Dim pprlinkDeletes() As DataRow = Me.dataAideDataSet.tblPpr_LruPpr_Links.Select("", "", DataViewRowState.Deleted)

If complinkDeletes IsNot Nothing Then
complinkDeletesReturn = dataAideCompAdapter.Update(complinkDeletes)
End If
If srulinkDeletes IsNot Nothing Then
srulinkDeletesReturn = dataAideSruLinksAdapter.Update(srulinkDeletes)
End If
If solDeletes IsNot Nothing Then
solDeletesReturn = dataAideSolutionsAdapter.Update(solDeletes)
End If
If milestoneDeletes IsNot Nothing Then
mileDeletesReturn = dataAideMilestonesAdapter.Update(milestoneDeletes)
End If
If mybDeletes IsNot Nothing Then
mybDeletesReturn = dataAideMybAdapter.Update(mybDeletes)
End If
If usageDeletes IsNot Nothing Then
usagelinkDeletesReturn = dataAideUsageAdapter.Update(usageDeletes)
End If
If sruDeletes IsNot Nothing Then
sruDeletesReturn = dataAideSruAdapter.Update(sruDeletes)
End If
If compDeletes IsNot Nothing Then
compDeletesReturn = (dataAideCompAdapter.Update(compDeletes))
End If
If pprDeletes IsNot Nothing Then
pprDeletesReturn = dataAidePprAdapter.Update(pprDeletes)
End If

' Updates won't be applicable to link tables
If pprAdds IsNot Nothing Then
pprAddsReturn = (dataAidePprAdapter.Update(pprAdds))
End If
If sruAdds IsNot Nothing Then
sruAddsReturn = dataAideSruAdapter.Update(sruAdds)
End If
If compAdds IsNot Nothing Then
compAddsReturn = dataAideCompAdapter.Update(compAdds)
End If
If solAdds IsNot Nothing Then
solAddsReturn = dataAideSolutionsAdapter.Update(solAdds)
End If
If milestoneAdds IsNot Nothing Then
milestoneAddsReturn = dataAideMilestonesAdapter.Update(milestoneAdds)
End If
If mybAdds IsNot Nothing Then
mybAddsReturn = dataAideMybAdapter.Update(mybAdds)
End If
If usageAdds IsNot Nothing Then
usageAddsReturn = dataAideUsageAdapter.Update(usageAdds)
End If
If srulinksAdds IsNot Nothing Then
srulinksAddsReturn = Me.dataAideSruLinksAdapter.Update(srulinksAdds)
End If
If complinksAdds IsNot Nothing Then
complinksAddsReturn = Me.dataAideCompAdapter.Update(complinksAdds)
End If

' Updates won't be applicable to link tables

If pprUpdates IsNot Nothing Then
pprReturn = dataAidePprAdapter.Update(pprUpdates)
End If
If sruUpdates IsNot Nothing Then
sruReturn = dataAideSruAdapter.Update(sruUpdates)
End If
If compUpdates IsNot Nothing Then
compReturn = dataAideCompAdapter.Update(compUpdates)
End If
If solUpdates IsNot Nothing Then
solReturn = dataAideSolutionsAdapter.Update(solUpdates)
End If
If milestoneUpdates IsNot Nothing Then
milestoneReturn = dataAideMilestonesAdapter.Update(milestoneUpdates)
End If
If mybUpdates IsNot Nothing Then
mybReturn = dataAideMybAdapter.Update(mybUpdates)
End If
If usageUpdates IsNot Nothing Then
usageReturn = dataAideUsageAdapter.Update(usageUpdates)
End If
If srulinksUpdates IsNot Nothing Then
srulinksReturn = Me.dataAideSruLinksAdapter.Update(srulinksUpdates)
End If
If complinksUpdates IsNot Nothing Then
complinksReturn = Me.dataAideCompAdapter.Update(complinksUpdates)
End If

End If

Catch ex As Exception
Message.AppMessageBox("Error updating the AIDE dataset in dataDbStore." & ControlChars.CrLf & ControlChars.CrLf & ex.Message.ToString, MessageBoxCaptions.ErrorCaption)

End Try

End Sub
Public Sub RefreshSruData()

dataAideDataSet.EnforceConstraints = False

If _PprNbr.Length > 0 Then
dataAideSruAdapter.FillByPprNbr(dataAideDataSet.tblPprSru, _PprNbr)
dataAideSruLinksAdapter.FillByPprNbr(dataAideDataSet.tblPpr_PprSru_Links, _PprNbr)
dataAideSruAdapter.FillSruByPprLruID(dataAideDataSet.tblPprSru, _PprLruID)
dataAideSruLinksAdapter.FillPprSruLinksByPprLruID(dataAideDataSet.tblPpr_PprSru_Links, _PprLruID)
End If
dataAideDataSet.EnforceConstraints = True
Catch ex As Exception
Message.AppMessageBox(ex.Message, MessageBoxCaptions.ErrorCaption, "dataDbStore_RefreshSruData")
End Try

End Sub

End Class

Public Class frmSruAdd

Private Sub btnAddSRU_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddSRU.Click

' Execute the SRU add stored procedure
If Me.txtSruID.Text.Length > 0 AndAlso CInt(Me.txtSruID.Text) > 0 Then
End If

End Sub

Private Sub AddSruItem()

Dim cnnString As String = String.Empty
Dim sruID As Integer = 0


Me.cboPN.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Append

Dim newSruRow As DataRow
Dim newLinkRow As DataRow

newSruRow = aideDS.tblPprSru.NewRow
newLinkRow = aideDS.tblPpr_PprSru_Links.NewRow

newSruRow("PN") = dbText(Me.cboPN.Text)
newSruRow("Cage") = dbText(Me.cboCage.Text)
newSruRow("Name") = dbText(Me.txtDescriptionSru.Text)
newSruRow("NSN") = dbText(Me.cboNSN.Text)
newSruRow("QPA") = dbInteger(Me.txtQpaSru.Text)
newSruRow("SOS") = dbText(Me.cboSOS.Text)
newSruRow("FailRate") = dbDouble(Me.txtFailRateSru.Text)
newSruRow("ChgDate") = Date.Now
sruID = newSruRow("ID")
Me.txtSruID.Text = dbInteger(sruID)

newLinkRow("PprID") = dbInteger(Me.txtPprID.Text)
newLinkRow("SruID") = dbInteger(Me.txtSruID.Text)

_sruID = dbInteger(Me.txtSruID.Text)
If _sruID > 0 Then
' Notify the user that the links was successful
' and ask whether they was to insert another
'If they want to insert another then clear
' the controls except for the PprID and leave
' the form displayed with the cursor in the PN
_sruItemsAdded = +1
If Message.AskYesNoQuestion("Insert was successful.", _
"Load another?", "SRU Insert") = vbYes Then
' If they opt to add no more links close the form
btnClose_Click(Me, New System.EventArgs)
End If
'Notify them that the insert attempt was unsuccessful
If Message.AskYesNoQuestion("Insert was unsuccessful.", _
"Try again?", "SRU Insert") = vbYes Then
' Take no action to save the current data on the form
' for the user to retry this load.
' If they opt to not try again the close the form
btnClose_Click(Me, New System.EventArgs)

End If
End If

Catch ex As Exception
Message.AppMessageBox(ex.Message, MessageBoxCaptions.ErrorCaption, "FillCageCombo")
End Try

End Sub

End Class

Public Class frmPprEdit

Private Sub frmPprEditer_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load


' On open first time you need to bind the dataset

' and set up the navigation
CompNavigationHandler(Me, New System.EventArgs)
SruNavigationHandler(Me, New System.EventArgs)

End Sub

Private Sub btnClose_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnClose.Click

If aideDS.HasChanges Then
If Message.AskYesNoQuestion("Save this data?", "Changes to the data have not been saved.") = vbYes Then
'SaveToolStripButton_Click(sender, e)
If aideDS.HasChanges Then
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

End If
Catch ex As Exception
Message.ShowExceptionMsg(ex, sender.ToString)
End Try
End If
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Message.ShowExceptionMsg(ex, sender.ToString)
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub BindData()

Dim startDate As New Date
Dim closedDate As New Date


_loadingData = True

With bsPpr
.DataSource = aideDS
.DataMember = "tblPPR"
End With

With bsMYB
.DataSource = bsPpr
.DataMember = "FK_tblPpr_MYB_tblPPR"
'.DataSource = aideDS
'.DataMember = "tblPpr_MYB"
'.Filter = "PprID=" & _PprID
End With

With bsMilestones
.DataSource = bsPpr
.DataMember = "FK_tblPpr_Milestones_tblPPR"
End With

With bsSolutions
.DataSource = bsPpr
.DataMember = "FK_tblPpr_Solutions_tblPPR"
End With

With bsUsage
.DataSource = bsPpr
.DataMember = "FK_tblPprUsage_tblPPR"
End With

With bsResolution
.DataSource = aideDS
.DataMember = "tblResolution"
End With

With bsMilestonesLookup
.DataSource = aideDS
.DataMember = "vtblMilestones"
End With

' These two binding sources contain the data
' pointed to by the links above.
With bsComp
.DataSource = aideDS
.DataMember = "tblPprComponents"
End With

With bsSru
.DataSource = aideDS
.DataMember = "tblPprSru"
End With

' Set these two link tables up with the foreign key
' as the DataMember
' Ref: CoDe Mag - Article: Table Complex Data Binding with Windows Forms 2.0
With bsPprCompLinks
.DataSource = bsPpr
.DataMember = "FK_tblPpr_PprComp_Links_tblPPR" '"FK_tblPprComponents_tblPpr_PprComp_Links"
End With

With bsPprSruLinks
.DataSource = bsPpr
.DataMember = "FK_tblPpr_PprSru_Links_tblPPR" '"FK_tblPprSru_tblPpr_PprSru_Links"
End With

With bsCompLinks
.DataSource = bsComp
.DataMember = "FK_tblPprComponents_tblPpr_PprComp_Links" '"FK_tblPpr_PprComp_Links_tblPprComponents"
End With

With bsSruLinks
.DataSource = bsSru
.DataMember = "FK_tblPprSru_tblPpr_PprSru_Links" '"FK_tblPpr_PprSru_Links_tblPprSru"
End With



Catch ex As Exception
Message.ShowExceptionMsg(ex, "BindData")
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub btnAddSRU_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddSRU.Click, Button8.Click


ofrmSruAdd = New frmSruAdd
ofrmSruAdd.PprID = CInt(Me.txtPprID.Text)
ofrmSruAdd.frmParent = Me

' Give the form a copy of the current aideDS
ofrmSruAdd.aideDS = aideDS
ofrmSruAdd._dataStore = _dataStore
If ofrmSruAdd.DialogResult = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes Then
Me.SruNavigationHandler(Me.btnLastSru, e)
End If

Catch ex As Exception
Message.ShowExceptionMsg(ex, sender.ToString)
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub SruNavigationHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles _
btnFirstSru.Click, _
btnPrevSru.Click, _
btnNextSru.Click, _
btnLastSru.Click, _
btnAddSRU.Click, _

' If the BindingNavigator originated this then
' the code will fall through and not reposition the recordset
' the recordset but only update the controls

' Determine the number of records
Dim bsCount As Integer = bsSru.Count

' Reposition bsSru depending on which button pressed
If sender Is btnFirstSru Then
Me.BindingContext(bsSru).Position = 0
ElseIf sender Is btnPrevSru Then
Me.BindingContext(bsSru).Position = bsSru.Position - 1
ElseIf sender Is btnNextSru Then
Me.BindingContext(bsSru).Position += 1
ElseIf sender Is btnLastSru Then
bsSru.DataSource = aideDS
bsSru.DataMember = "tblPprSru"
bsSru.Position = bsCount - 1
ElseIf sender Is btnAddSRU Then
bsSru.Position = bsCount - 1
ElseIf sender Is btnDeleteSRU Then
bsSru.Position = bsSru.Position - 1
bsSru.Position = 0
End If

' Then update the positional information
Me.txtPositionSru.Text = bsSru.Position + 1 & " of " & bsCount

' Then enable/disable the correct buttons on the form
If bsSru.Position = 0 Then
Me.btnFirstSru.Enabled = False
Me.btnPrevSru.Enabled = False
' If this record is positioned on zero
' but has records then they can be deleted
ElseIf bsSru.Position > 0 Then
Me.btnFirstSru.Enabled = True
Me.btnPrevSru.Enabled = True
Me.btnDeleteSRU.Enabled = True
Me.btnFirstSru.Enabled = False
Me.btnPrevSru.Enabled = False
Me.btnDeleteSRU.Enabled = False
Me.btnNextSru.Enabled = False
Me.btnLastSru.Enabled = False
Exit Sub
End If

If bsSru.Position + 1 >= bsCount Then
Me.btnLastSru.Enabled = False
Me.btnNextSru.Enabled = False
Me.btnLastSru.Enabled = True
Me.btnNextSru.Enabled = True
End If

'Dim row As
'row = CType(CType(Me.CustomersBindingSource.Current, DataRowView).Row, NorthwindDataSet.CustomersRow)

Catch ex As Exception
Message.ShowExceptionMsg(ex, sender.ToString)
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub FilterSruRecords()


Dim filterString As New System.Text.StringBuilder("ID=0")
'Dim row As New ToMgmtSQLDataSet.tblPpr_LruSru_LinksRow 'in bsPprCompLinks.list
For Each Row As DataRowView In bsPprSruLinks.List
If Row("PprID").ToString = Me.txtPprID.Text Then
If filterString.Length > 0 Then
filterString.Append(" OR ")
End If
filterString.Append("ID=" & Row("SruID"))
End If
bsSru.Filter = filterString.ToString
' Then update the positional information
Me.txtPositionSru.Text = bsSru.Position + 1 & " of " & bsSru.Count
Catch ex As Exception
Message.ShowExceptionMsg(ex, "FilterSruRecords")
End Try

End Sub
Private Sub FilterCompRecords()

Dim filterString As New System.Text.StringBuilder("ID=0")
For Each Row As DataRowView In bsPprCompLinks.List
If Row("PprID").ToString = Me.txtPprID.Text Then
If filterString.Length > 0 Then
filterString.Append(" OR ")
End If
filterString.Append("ID=" & Row("ID"))
End If
bsComp.Filter = filterString.ToString
' Then update the positional information
Me.txtPositionComp.Text = bsComp.Position + 1 & " of " & bsComp.Count

Catch ex As Exception
Message.ShowExceptionMsg(ex, "FilterCompRecords")
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub bsPpr_PositionChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bsPpr.PositionChanged


End Sub

Public Sub RefreshSruData()

' The aideDS has the same Row.Count before and after refresh
' the real problem is that the BindingSources do not refresh


aideDS.EnforceConstraints = False
Dim dataAideSruAdapter As New devAideDSTableAdapters.tblPprSruTableAdapter
Dim dataAideSruLinksAdapter As New devAideDSTableAdapters.tblPpr_PprSru_LinksTableAdapter
If _PprNbr.Length > 0 Then
dataAideSruAdapter.FillByPprNbr(aideDS.tblPprSru, _PprNbr)
dataAideSruLinksAdapter.FillByPprNbr(aideDStblPpr_PprSru_Links), _PprNbr)
dataAideSruAdapter.FillSruByPprLruID(aideDS.tblPprSru), _PprLruID)
dataAideSruLinksAdapter.FillPprSruLinksByPprLruID(aideDS.tblPpr_PprSru_Links, _PprLruID)
End If
aideDS.EnforceConstraints = True
Catch ex As Exception
Message.AppMessageBox(ex.Message, MessageBoxCaptions.ErrorCaption, "frmPprEdit_RefreshSruData")
End Try

End Sub

Private Sub SaveData()

If aideDS.HasChanges Then

Select Case My.Settings.CurrentServer
End Select
End If


Catch ex As Exception
Message.ShowExceptionMsg(ex, "frmPprEdit_SaveData")
End Try

End Sub

End Class