Binding Question


Active member
Oct 3, 2006
Programming Experience

I'm trying to decide which control will be most useful for this situation (several maintenance forms).

I need to display a list of options and show the user which options are already selected by the current customer. They need to be able to unselect an option also.

Would a checked list box be a good way to go or would the DataGridView be better? I think in either way, my next question applies: I have a dataset that I can bind showing all the options that are available. But how would I show which of these options have been selected by the customer?

Thanks for the guidance. Carl
I actually do this with TreeView and have the nodes checkable.. There's something about CheckedListbox that I hate, and I can never remember what it is, but when I try using it again, I decide I hate it again, and I go back to TreeView ;)

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