Question Binding Navigator


Jul 12, 2012
Programming Experience
I am new to VB.Net(Microsoft Visual Studio 2005) and I was trying to use BindingNavigator for Update Stock Form. I was able to fill the form with the detail and was able to navigate the records with the arrow keys provided. But it doesnot seems good for large number of records. As it is very difficult to go to a particular record so what can be the better aproach.
I saw that in the tool strip there was an option to add buttons and combobox. So I wanted to know can we add a combobox which would contain a particualr field say primary key field and based on the selection of the key in the combobox the form would be updated.

To bind you need to set DataSource property (to your existing BindingSource instance) and DisplayMember property (to name of the field to display). ToolStripComboBox class doesn't expose these properties, but you can access the hosted ComboBox control through the ComboBox property and set them there.
Can you please exaplain me in detail if possible with small example.


The ComboBox property of your ToolStripComboBox returns a ComboBox object. There are lots of examples online already of binding a BindingSource to a ComboBox. There's no need for us to provide another that offers nothing new.