Question Beginner Question in Visual Studio 2012


Oct 10, 2014
Programming Experience
Hello all,
I had some time available and decided to learn to use my computer for something useful other playing games and watching movies on it. So I decided to try to learn some Visual Basic while I was at home. Been learning and working on a small project for a friend of mine who runs a clinic. As the person is a doctor I would like him to be able to record his patient data. Ive finally hit a small problem where I would like to record Medication being issued to each patient. Im not sure how to proceed as the number of fields can vary to different patients.

Im pretty sure its probably something basic that Ive overlooked. Would appreciate any suggestions on what would be the ideal way to handle entry of record which involve a random number of fields and whats the ideal way to save this information.

Also any recommendations to a good Visual Basic book to read while Im trying to learn this would be great.

Thanks in advance
Thanks much. The Relational Database link helped me understand what I was doing or thinking wrong. Also I have made some changes ot the database which should help also. Going to go over the beginner course also . Thanks again!

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