Axwebbrowser puzzler...


New member
Mar 10, 2005
Programming Experience
This is certainly giving me a headache, so I'll pass the pain around..:)

We have a vbnet app and it provides all sorts of information, including having a weather link. Right now I'm using Axwebbrowser.navigate to bring up a NOAA weather site. Here is the problem...

I want to prevent the user from further accessing other pages beyond the one I'm displaying. But...I still want the user to be able to scroll to the bottom of the entire page..

I tried...
axwebbrowser.enabled = false ' after page loads - kills the links, but also the scroll!

Any ideas???
Found answer!

Ok, decided to approach this from the idea of trapping web document click event. Found excellant approach here...

By having the onclickproc empty, it effectively disables all of the links on the page, while still leaving the control active (...and more importantly the scroll bar!)

Now I just need to eliminate the cursor over the control to eliminate confusion and all should be well!

Have a good one!