Autoscroll - but without the scrollbars


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2006
Programming Experience
Hi there,

Basically, I am creating a keyboard only application, so I want the effect of autoscroll on a flow planel layout control but i don't want the scroll bars to be visible.

Is there a way of achieving this without adding complex logic to do it manually?



Just incase you were wondering - "why would you want to do that?"'s because if i have a load of buttons in a flow panel layout, but half of them are hidden, i can press the down key and it would cycle throw them, bringing them into view, but that is only with autoscroll enabled.
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Scrolling only work with scrollbars enabled. Why would the visible scrollbar be a problem? Scrolling works both with keyboard and mouse by default without need for any setting or code, in the case of keyboard only navigation the scrollbar still function as a visual cue to the user about the functionality present. Also, scrolling don't work without the scrollbars enabled. There is for example the ScrollControlIntoView method, and the Horiz-/Vert-Scrollbar properties, but they are not functional without a scrollbar.
Scrolling only work with scrollbars enabled. Why would the visible scrollbar be a problem? Scrolling works both with keyboard and mouse by default without need for any setting or code, in the case of keyboard only navigation the scrollbar still function as a visual cue to the user about the functionality present. Also, scrolling don't work without the scrollbars enabled. There is for example the ScrollControlIntoView method, and the Horiz/Vert Scrollbar properties, but they are not functional without a scrollbar.

Thanks for your reply.

The reason for wanted to do this is that it is a custom control and I don't want the scrollbars there as they ruin the aesthetics as it is a custom skinned application.

I am not too clued up on the paint events and things like that, but is there anyway to override them and make them not "draw" the scrollbars?