Automatic Email from SQL data


New member
May 15, 2015
Programming Experience
Hello World

Im trying to send an automatic email every morning to people from data stored on our SQL server, now this was working fine but then i was asked to send a Start Time as well as an End time on the data and im having trouble sending the data; the error i am getting is

Operator '&' is not defined for string "" and type 'TimeSpan'.

on my lines:

         Dim oWord As Word.Application        Dim oDoc As Word.Document

        oWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
        oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add("\\datastore\database\Templates\")

        'Populate all the bookmarks
        oDoc.Bookmarks("DATE").Range.Text = startDate.ToLongDateString

        'Insert Info
        Dim tbl As Word.Table = oDoc.Tables(1)
        Dim wordRow = 2

 For Each row As DataRow In dailyReportDataSet.Tables(0).Rows
            If (wordRow - 1) < dailyreportDataSet.Tables(0).Rows.Count Then
            End If

            tbl.Cell(wordRow, 1).Range.Text = "" & row.Item("Engineer") & "" + vbCrLf
            tbl.Cell(wordRow, 2).Range.Text = "" & row.Item("Assisted") & "" + vbCrLf
            tbl.Cell(wordRow, 3).Range.Text = "" & row.Item("Line") & "" + vbCrLf
            tbl.Cell(wordRow, 4).Range.Text = "" & row.Item("Machine") & "" + vbCrLf
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]            tbl.Cell(wordRow, 5).Range.Text = "" & row.Item("Start Time") & "" + vbCrLf[/COLOR][/B]
[B][COLOR=#ff0000]            tbl.Cell(wordRow, 6).Range.Text = "" & row.Item("End Time") & "" + vbCrLf[/COLOR][/B]
            tbl.Cell(wordRow, 7).Range.Text = "" & row.Item("Time Taken (hrs)") & "" + vbCrLf
            tbl.Cell(wordRow, 8).Range.Text = "" & row.Item("Root Cause") & "" + vbCrLf
            tbl.Cell(wordRow, 9).Range.Text = "" & row.Item("Additional Info") & "" + vbCrLf
Start Time and End Time are stored as Time() on the SQL,

Is this because the type of data is Time() and not a nvarchar or float? and they cant be converted to a string?

An unhandled exception of type 'System.InvalidCastException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll

Any help would be much appreciated!

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As the error message suggests, the data comes from the database as a TimeSpan. You can't implicitly concatenate a TimeSpan and a String. Every object has a ToString method, so you can convert anything to a String. Get rid of those pointless empty Strings too.
Hi mate thanks for your reply, i managed to fix it by converting the Time - which it was stored on the SQL server as, to a varchar by using the CONVERT function.

CONVERT(varchar(10),START_TIME, 20) As [Start Time], CONVERT(varchar(10),END_TIME, 20) As [End Time],
