Secure page.


Active member
May 18, 2007
Programming Experience
Well like you can see i'm new at :S well i normaly program at but never programed with

what i whant to know is how can i make a login page that the user and password is on the database online?

i dont whant to use the login sistem on the vs 2005 :S i hate that thing and dont connect to database :S

Glad if you could help
Do you hate it because you can't figure it out? It does use database. At least it is very easy to use, add form named "Login.aspx", and put a Login control on it, set DestinationPage and a link to a 'create user' form with a CreateUserWizard control on.
It uses SQL server by default. I didn't have to set up anything to do this, just the two pages and controls mentioned and it all works. It creates the user database and handles everything automatically, if web user not loggined in request a page the login display. Of course you can customize everything with the db, just read the documentation if you have additional needs. All I was saying was that this is very easy to set up and get started with, a few mouse clicks and you have a working dynamic user login system.
but how do i select the database and how do i select the table and the columns to the user and pass??????
You don't have to know anything about that to get started and have the fully functional login system, all you do is as described and everything beneath is handled without any interaction from you. Later when you have it all working you can go deeper if you wish. It creates the database automatically and puts it in app_data folder.
I've only used the built-in one, have you followed the local help for Membership? Here is an online link to Introduction to Membership (though use your local help, MSDN online is way too slow when you want to navigate many pages fast), the first link of "how it works" lead to configuration.
well i did not use the microsoft vs 2005 login system. i prefer to use my login system using the protection on the web.config file. :) but it help what you give :)

Ty JohnH