and Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition

WebSite - > Add Web Reference -> then enter the URL and change the name of the WS's if you want and that's it ... after this you can use all the exposed functionalities of your WS's

I've added the reference but cannot see the function i intend to execute listed.

The Web Service provider mentioned generating proxy classes.and invoking the references in your code

Is this possible using Visual Web Developer or do I need to do it differently?

Well after you add the WS you suppose to instantiate the object(s) that you want to use in further ... i.e. say you have class that exposes couple property and you want to either get value of those or assign value ...
then you should simply add something like this:

Dim myNewClassInstance as myClass = New myClass
With myNewClassInstance
myText.Text = .myProperty
End WIth

Please no offense but, in my opinion you suppose to get more read before continue with this project.

Regards ;)