Are httpWebRequests stacked up?


Jul 18, 2006
Programming Experience
I have written an application in VB .NET which sends out an httpWebRequest from a list of thousands of urls. This request returns a number that is stored in our databases.

The Request has a timeout set so if there is no return for whatever reason it moves on to the next request. However the program uses threads. The amount of threads used can be changed to be anything between 1 and 8

However we have an issue where timeouts are occuring much more often the more threads we use, it seems that the requests are being stacked up somewhere, maybe at the socket? and are timing out before they get a chance to send?

Could someone please offer any opinions on what could be causing this problem, if it could be requests being stacked up at the socket or some other reason and any ideas on how this could be solved....
Sometimes some questions can help so here goes:

1. Have you changed anything physical in your layer 1

2. Is your reporting accurate

3. Has the list of URL's changed

4. Firewall rules

5. Denial of Service

6. See your Event logs

7. echo "socket() failed: reason: " . strerror ($sock) . "\n";

Good Luck