application crashing after deployment


New member
Mar 19, 2008
Programming Experience
Hi All,

This is my first post in this forum. I am facing a problem and one of my freind recomended this forum. Hope I get answer for it.

I have developed an application in VB.NET 2005 using .Net 2.0. It all worked fine, even during testing.

But after deployment in few machines, the application crashes right at the start. It throws that error message with "send and Dont send" buttons.

Somehow I managed to find a test machine where I could replicate this error.
To debug the error I installed VS 2005 on that, but sadly the application stopped crashing.

I removed the VS 2005 and the application started crashing again.

I dont know waht is happeneing!!!
I have very limited exp on .Net applications. I have worked mostly in VB 6.0

So I need to know what the problem is. The application works fine in the development environment but crashes in few production machines.

Hoping someone will help me on this. I need solution for this asap.

Thanks in advance.

This sounds like your application is depending on something that inst there on these "few" production machines. In your application starting code, put some try catch blocks and use the catch blocks to display error messages, you can also put variable values in the messagebox too which would help with the debugging process.
This probably wont help, but it may give you direction.

I have exactly the same with one of my applications. If I start it from the Start Menu or double-click on the EXE, it runs fine. If it is started in any other way (eg by process, or from a batch file), it crashes on startup. I still havent resolved it :(
Inertia, your isse sounds like the shortcuts startin directory is not set to the correct application path.

Sandeep, your issue is likley that you have a dll that is missing(not Registered on the deployment computers). To resolve do this.

1. Open your project and click "Referances"
something that does not start "system." likey needs to be registered.

Please list everything that does not start with "System." and I can talk you through how to create a insall package that will register it properly. If you want to do it yourself, search for ".net deployment package COM registration" and you should find a tutorial or two.