Another Question On Classes

Sep 15, 2005
Programming Experience
Thanks for help with my last question. It was as simple as changing something in the text editor. We live and learn.

On the same topic.

I create the class Minimal which doesn't actually have any code, it's just there to show inheritance.

Then I add to my Button_Click event

Dim obj1 AS NEW Minimal ()

Now according to my book when I type in obj1 and enter a period I should have a drop down list of methods appear. Unfortunately the only method that drops down when I do this is GetType.

Help please



Could you post the code from the minimal class,

If the class contains publically declared methods, properties or variables they should show up as you've stated... obj.MyMethod1 etc..

To declare a sub, function or variable as public use the Public Keyword.. ie.

Public MoonSize as integer

Public Function HowBigIsTheMoon() as integer
as you said there are no codes inside the class try creating a sub or a function..

then you'll start seeing things...