Old to VB6, New to VB.NET
I'm working with characters provided by an organ. I need to limit the user to entering only the following characters...
0-9 a-z A-Z , ; ' ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) + - = [ ] { } ` ~ ¥
...and prevent these, along with everything else...
/ : * ? " < > | (These can't be used in a filename)
I've been reading about the e.keycode and Keys. but this isn't helping as it's only referring to KEYS.
I was looking at the KeyValue and KeyData as well, but nothing I could use to determine 'a' from 'A' or '1' from '!'
Is there something in the TextBox properties or methods that allow me to check the typed character before it's actually sent to the TextBox?
Thanks for your time and efforts,
0-9 a-z A-Z , ; ' ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) + - = [ ] { } ` ~ ¥
...and prevent these, along with everything else...
/ : * ? " < > | (These can't be used in a filename)
I've been reading about the e.keycode and Keys. but this isn't helping as it's only referring to KEYS.
I was looking at the KeyValue and KeyData as well, but nothing I could use to determine 'a' from 'A' or '1' from '!'
Is there something in the TextBox properties or methods that allow me to check the typed character before it's actually sent to the TextBox?
Thanks for your time and efforts,