An error

Nov 27, 2005
Programming Experience
The item "obj\Debug\WindowsApplication1.code_ed.resources" was specified more than once in the "Resources" parameter. Duplicate items are not supported by the "Resources" parameter. AT2 IDE

thats is the error i am getting, how do i solve this? where is the resources parameter?

I'm going to make an assumption that you have a form called code_ed? Is that right? If so have you renamed it recently or such like? If this is the case you may have a duplicate .resx file for the form which you can see under solution->project. Be careful you don't remove the wrong one though.

Sorry for the delay.. Visual studio sometimes gets it's knickers in a twist when you duplicate forms etc.. you'll have to check the resx files make sure there aren't any that shouldn't be there.

Also, when you duplicated the form did you just rename the file, if so you also need to rename the actual class in the source, so if you'd named the duplicate "immediate" you need to view the source and change the class name to immediate too.

Hope this helps.

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