AJAX Issue When Using Custom Page.VB


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2008
Programming Experience
Hey guys, I'm having a problem with the Accordion Toolkit control.

I'm binding it to a DataSet, and it appears to be working great. It shows all the appropriate data. But when I click the header of a any row nothing happens. The only pane i can expand is the first one and that is set to be open by default.

In my ...aspx.vb file behind i'm inheriting Page.vb(Which is my custom Page.vb file). I'm doing this because I need to set a theme/master page dynamically on each page. So i created one Page_PreInit sub and all pages use that.

I've found that this issue only occurs when I am using my Page.vb. If I don't use mine the accordion control works perfectly. This leads me to believe it is an issue with setting the masterpage or even theme at run time. But I can take the same exact code in my Page_PreInit sub from my Page.vb page and put it in the ...aspx.vb page and it will still work. So I know my code is not interfering with the accordion control, it seems like if I don't inherit the built in Page.vb file then I'm out of luck.

I don't see how it makes a difference if my Page.vb holds the code for the Page_PreInit or if each .aspx.vb does. My Page.vb inherits Web.UI.Page....

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
Still can't figure this one out. But I've discovered that the accordion doesn't work in Chrome or Firefox, yet works in IE. Also, I've found that if I'm in incognito mode in chrome then it works fine. I've set the page to have no cache but still nothing.


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