after upgrade : form doesn't show up


New member
Apr 4, 2006
Programming Experience
Hey all, I'm a newbie in so thanks in advance for any help given :)

I've been having trouble after using the upgrade wizard to convert a program from vb6, the program itself it not small, but to cut it short, I'm having trouble to make a form to show up after being called from a module.

Here's a very high level description of what the program is doing:

When program is run,Sub Main() is called which is from my module called ABCMain, then I tried to use to show a form called ABCFrm, but what happened is that all it did was ran through the ABCFrm's Sub ABCFrm_Load sub-routine and when completed, jumps back to ABCMain module. ABCMain then finish running the few lines of code after the line, reached the Exit Sub and End Sub statements and the program terminated.. the whole time i never once saw my form...

Whereas in vb6 the form would've become visible after all the statements in ABCFrm_Load were run, and ABCMain would not terminate.

It's most likely to do with my main module (ABCMain) terminating therefore the form doesn't show, but any help would be appreciated as to what I can do to stop that.

Thanks a tonne in advance for anyone who can help :eek:
first thing you should do is get rid of that DefInstance crap, that'll make everything easier for ya